Tuesday 21 August 2018

An Africa Vacation Guide

A safari vacation to Africa can be an irresistibly exotic experience that is bound to remain etched in the memory of every visitor for many years to come.  Enjoying a sunrise over the vastness of Namibia's dune sea, viewing an elephant mother shielding her little one from the rest of the herd as they approach the banks of the Chobe River in northern Botswana, or listening to the sounds of night while enjoying a glass of wine around a crackling fire in South Africa's Kruger National Park are soul-enriching experiences that can only be enjoyed on a safari tour in Africa.
Those groups who used to speak the Ponto languages reached South Africa around the 1st century AD. The Europeans emerged in the scene in South Africa around the beginning of the 15th century and they established their strongholds in the regions during the 17th century.
Our trip was fantastic- the itinerary, the courses, the directions, our reception at the airport,  Greatest Africa help before we left- all were excellent.Thanks for making a memorable vacation a possibility; I am sure this will go down as my Dad's favorite birthday present!
Released from the cooped up confines of urban environments, boys and girls will relish in the delight of open spaces of the African bush; sliding down the red sand dunes, coming into contact with wild animals on the game drives or on horseback safaris, and being able to meet their friends from Meerkat Manor in real life. For more information, please visit our website http://greatestafrica.com/.

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