Thursday 26 July 2018

Exclusive wine tours South Africa

While planning for an African safari, it is advisable to choose an experienced safari specialist or a local African tour operator who is familiar with local etiquette and conditions.  Most of these regions and especially the East and South coasts (New South Wales and Victoria) are averaging 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. Second to the brilliant winemakers, and a close second, is the great climates / weather that certain regions have for cultivating vines.
This latter is important because an essential part of the tour is the input from the winemaker on his wines, how he makes them, the way he grows his grapes and the land he grows them on. In addition, we are known to many properties so that we can provide access more easily that for spontaneous individual visitors.
Exclusive wine tours South Africa boasts of includes the likes of a stunning day admiring the great whales along the coast of Hermanus while sipping of some delicious wines, teeing away on the best golf courses in the country or tasting the delectable wines- South Africa's answer to Champagne. For more information, please visit our website

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